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Overheating | Overloading. | Adjust to proper loading. |
Insufficient or excess Iubricant oil. | Fill in adequate lubricant oil as indication. | |
Inferior or improper lnbricant oil. | Fill in proper lubricant oil after draining out oil. | |
Oil seal is over-rubbed. | Drop lubricante oil on oil seal. | |
Improper connection between output shaft and transmitting device. | Adjust to proper position. | |
Noise | Poor fit between worm wheel and worm shafe. | Finish contact surfaces of gears. (please contact with us) |
Bearing damaged or clearance too large. | Replace bearing. | |
Insufficient lubricant oil. | Fill in proper adequate lubricant oil as indication. | |
Invaded by foreign objects. | Remove foreign objects and replace lubricant oil. | |
Abnormal vibration | Transmitting device is not fixed. | Fix transmitting device. |
Worm wheel worn or damaged. | Replace worm wheel. (please contact with us) |
Bearing worn or damaged. | Replace bearing. | |
Bolt loosed. | Tighten bolt. | |
Invaded by foreign objects. | Remove foreign objects and replace lubricant oil. | |
Oil leakage | Oil seal damaged. | Replace oil seal. |
Gasket damaged. | Replace gasket. | |
Excess oil. | Fill in adequate lubricant oil as indication. | |
Oil drain plug loosed. | Tighten oil drain plug. | |
Oil gauge damaged. | Replace oil gauge. | |
Input or output shaft doesn't work | Worm wheel and worm shaft expanded by overheating. | Replace worm wheel or worm shaft. (please contact with us) |
Bearing damaged. | Replace bearing. | |
Invaded by foreign objects. | Remove foreign objects and replace lubricant oil. | |
Excess wear of worm wheel and worm shaft. | Replace worm wheel or worm shaft (please contact with us) |
Worm wheel over-worn | Overloading. | Adjust to proper loading. |
Inferior or improper lubricant oil. | Replace proper lubricant oil. | |
Insufficient lubricant oil. | Fll in adequate lubricant oil as indicattion. | |
Bearing damaged. | Replace bearing. | |
Operating temperature too high. | improve ventilation conditions. |